Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebrity 4-H'ers

The celebrities participated in their very first 4-H meeting. They learned what 4-H is all about and the many fun projects they will be creating. The celebrities had to nominate officers for our 2012 4-H meetings. Nominations were made and then the secret voting took place. Our officers for the 2012-2013 school year are...
President: Emma
Vice President: Alex
Secretary: Catilina
Reporter: Jordyn
Record Keeper: Jeremiah
Activity Leader: Collin

Our next 4-H meeting is November 1, 2012. At that time, the celebrity 4-H members will present their 4-H poster project. Be sure to check the 4-H page for more details. For now, check out the paparazzi pics of our first 4-H meeting below...

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Celebs Discover Ancient Artifacts

The celebrities of Harkreader Hills have been busy discovering all the interesting artifacts about Meso-America. Their journeys have taken them from the Olmec all the way to the Aztecs. Along their learning journey they learned that the Mayans created a calendar using symbols and the stars while the Aztec were powerful warriors but could not fight the small pox disease brought by the Europeans and Hernan Cortez. The Olmec arrived to Meso-America first and left colossal heads formed out of rocks behind. They were the size of Mrs. Davenport's Volkswagen Bug!! The Olmec would move them up to 70 miles by rolling them! WOW! The celebs discovered mini-versions of these Olmec Heads! Check them out in our Olmec Scrapbook below.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yummy...Math Munchies

The celebs enjoyed some tasty math munchies during their first week at  math station rotations. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings the celebrities visit Math Munchies Snack Stations. we do not begin each morning eating Sugar Babies and Hot Tamales--instead there are great math activities individually designed to fit each celebrity's math needs. Students visit the Orchard station and enjoy online math learning that fits their math brain perfectly. Study Island is another great online source that, again, provides online math games designed to meet each celebs math needs. Study Island games are played on the laptops we check out from POWER teachers. Dyna-math is a fun math magazine that combines current pop culture with math computation and calculators. Math Tools let's the celebs practice and perfect their use of various math tools they will use throughout the year.  Noodle #'s is a station that also requires students to use strategic moves in be successful with their math games.Finally, with the new Common Core standards fractions are an area that 4th graders need more practice. Fraction Fun is a station that will, in time, focus solely are fractions. I have seen the celebrity MATH MINDS really growing thanks to Math Munchies. Check out our paparazzi pics below...
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Celebs show off their thinking!

In connection to our study of Metacognition, the celebs demonstrated their thinking during the viewing of the read aloud, "Twilight Comes Twice", by Ralph Fletcher. They continued to practice and perfect their metacognition skills by thinking about their reading during their read to self time. Check out what the celebs were thinking in the paparazzi pics below... I'm thinking they are definitely some Rock Star readers!
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Celebs: Thinking about their Thinking

This week the celebs are learning about Metacognition. Such a big word for something so easy to do! Metacognition is simply thinking about your thinking. When we are reading text, we can increase our understanding and comprehension by thinking about what we are reading. As the students viewed the video reading of Twilight Comes Twice by Ralph Fletcher, they used metacognition to record their thinking on a thought bubble. Check out the video reading and give metacognition a try!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Celeb-rity Cells

Check out the latest Paparazzi Pics of our Celebrity Scientist investigating cells. Their investigations began by examining specimens through a microscope. They looked at salt, poppy seeds, fish scales and even their own hair! Next, the celebs took their investigations outdoors to the J W Wiseman garden. There the celebrities used special outdoor microscopes to get a closer look at what their eyes can't see in the plants and vegetables. The celebs were happy to be back in the cool indoors and put on their best moves as they "Scooted" to cellular music while reviewing the parts of a cell. Our study concluded with a Cell-ebration! The Celeb Chefs created cell cookies of a plant and animal cell. These Celebs can do it all!!
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Now and Ben

The celebrities traveled back in time to visit with the famous Ben Franklin. To prepare for their journey they learned about Benjamin from A-Z. Check out the paparazzi pics from their journey back in time...
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Monday, September 3, 2012

Celebs Pick a Good Fit Book

The celebrities were recently spotted outdoors rehearsing for their next production..I PICK! The paparazzi were able to catch some rare footage of the celebs in action! Check it out!

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I Pick, I Pick, I P I C K
I Pick, I Pick, I P I C K
I choose, not you, I choose my books
I choose, not you, I choose my books
P urpose, purpose, why am I reading?
P urpose, purpose, why am I reading?
I nterest, interest, do I like it?
I nterest, interest, do I like it?
C om-pre-hen-d, do I understand?
C om-pre-hen-d, do I understand?
K now! Do I know most of the words?
Do-I-know most of the words?
I Pick, I Pick, I P I C K
I Pick, I Pick, I P I C K

Celebrity Premiere in...Place Value Pirates

What aargh the celebs learning about now? Place Value! The celebs practiced and performed their understanding of the different ways to write a number in Place Value Pirates. Check out all their new learning in the paparazzi pics below....
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