Sunday, September 29, 2013

We aargh..learning Place Value

What aargh the celebs learning about now? Place Value! The celebs practiced and performed their understanding of the different ways to write a number in Place Value Pirates. Check out all their new learning in the paparazzi pics below....
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Celeb 4H'ers

The celebrities participated in their very first 4-H meeting. They learned what 4-H is all about and the many fun projects they will be creating. The celebrities had to nominate officers for our 2013 4-H meetings. Nominations were made and then the secret voting took place. Our officers for the 2013-2014 school year are...
Meeting Highlights...
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Master Multipliers!

Check out these celebs! They have reached Master Multiplier Status. The celebs have worked so hard to pass all their multiplication facts. Congrats to Kennedy, Dominik, Cadence, Kinsey, Makenzie Karsen, Layne and Matthew.

Celebrity Birthday! Duncan

Happy Birthday to Harkreader Hills Celebrity, Duncan!
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Cell-ebrity Cells

The celebs have continued to broaden their knowledge if cells. They worked in rock groups to design a plant or animal cell that uses everyday items as organelles. Their challenge was to think of something that explained the organelles function not how it looked. The celebs were really able to think deeply about the function of the organelles and apply it to something they may use in their daily lives. We had strainers for cell membranes and PODS and semi-trucks as vacuoles. You can see more of these real-life cell-ebrities in the paparazzi pics below...
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RIP: Dell Laptop 2009-2013

Sorry for the latest disruption in the publication of Paparazzi pics! We experienced some major technology crises this past week...beginning with the death of my laptop and ending with the projector bulb blowing! I was about to give up hope on recovering any data when...Mrs. Trisha, her hubby, and Mrs.Rhonda came to the rescue and all helped me recover most of the data. It is currently in bits and pieces between clouds, pcs, and flash drives, but at least is has mainly been recovered. A new laptop will hopefully arrive before Winter Break.hehehe!

On a happy techie note..we have been using ipads during Math Munchies! The celebs just love their time on Study Island or Khan Academy via ipad time. It is amazing to see their increase in focus and motivation.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Celebs meet Celebrity Author: Mike Shoulders

The celebs had the pleasure of meeting author, Mike Shoulders, at Harkreader Hills this week. Dr. Shoulders writes fiction and non-fiction text that are interesting and fun to these celebs. Of course, they are a bit partial to V is for Volunteer. Dr. Shoulders is always so much fun to watch and learn from his experiences about writing. We even got to see his V is for Volunteer rap performance. The celebs rated it worthy of a Grammy! Check out the paparazzi pics below...
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Master Multipliers

Check out these celebs! They have reached Master Multiplier Status. The celebs have worked so hard to pass all their multiplication facts. Congrats to Micah, Duncan, EJ and Sadie!

Celebrity Scientists

These celebrity scientist have been hard at work preparing for their upcoming role in Mad about Cells! Their investigations began by examining specimens through a microscope. They looked at salt, poppy seeds, fish scales and even a microfiche article about fleas! The celeb scientist were just mad over seeing a microscopic view of these items!  Check out the latest Paparazzi Pics of our Celebrity Scientist investigating cells below...
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