Friday, March 23, 2012

Celebs are on the Countdown!

Let the countdown begin! The celebrities are counting down their way to TCAP.  The celebrities still have a lot of learning to do before Celebrate Knowledge Week arrives. The celebs are ready to give it their all! The celebrities are giving each day 100% and making it their best. At the end of each day the celebs reflect on how much effort they put into the day. They complete the "How am I Doing" chart and strive to have more 100% smile ratings than any other. In addition, we begin each day by updating our countdown "TCAP ticker" and remove one link from our TCAP chain. They know all their hard work will be rewarded by a "Pot of Golden Globes" at the end of the TCAP rainbow.
TCAP Cheer
Class song " I'm Amazing" by Keb Mo

TCAP Ticker

TCAP Point Collector: Each correct TCAP review question earns a TCAP point towards a homefun pass or extra credit card.

TCAP Countdown Chain
Online ticker includes weekends.
Our in class ticker counts only the number of school days.

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