The celebrities decided to "dig a bit deeper" to learn more about soil. They spent some time performing the role of geologists investigating dirt! Geologist take core samples to find out just what can be found in each layer of soil. The celebs have already been spent some time investigating soil and knew that the bottom layer was bedrock. We used a molasses cookie to represent this layer as it is super hard! Their next layer of soil is Horizon C. Their research led them to discover that this layer is composed mainly of sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks are just bits of broken down rocks. Marble cake mix was perfect for this layer and it was topped with mini-chocolate chips (aka sedimentary rocks). Horizon C, subsoil, was created using German chocolate cake. This layer is also made up of minerals, plant roots, twigs, dead animals/decay, and humus.We use sprinkles to represent these soil components. Their investigation required them to bake these little soil samples. Once they were done, the richest layer, Horizon A/Topsoil, was added using fudge icing. We sprinkled green sprinkles on top for grass and added a worm as the decomposer. Now that the samples are ready the soil core samples could be taken. The celebs used their special soil sample tool to collect the sample. They carefully inserted the soil tool into the sample and twisted it just slightly. When they removed it from the soil, you were able to see the different layers of the soil. These celebs are now soil sample experts! Check out the paparazzi pics of all the investigating...
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